Here is the link if you are interested! It's a girly kit and I really like the name! It's all about the name these days. She did a really good job on it. Going to play with it in a bit.
I am really having a hard time with keeping a blog. I really don't know what to say! :) However since some of my KC friends have been directed here by me, I felt I should update.
So HI KC people! :)~~
There is also a quickpage bragbook that I did that you can download on the Digitreats Creative Team blog which is here
It was uploaded on the 4th so you may have to scroll down a bit.
Off to search for more freebies and maybe do a LO. I have already spent my digi limit this month. Much less than my PAPER scrapping budget I must say. LOL Although I likely spend too much on printing the LOs anyways!
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!